What is Market Positioning & why is it so important?

Large or small it is critcal to  establish positioning for your brand

If you have not developed your  positioning, the value your brand brings to your target audience STOP and take a steps to develop this critical foundation of your marketing.

Brand positioning creates clarity around who you serve. It also explains to your target audience why you are the right company for them and what sets your products or services apart. The positioning of the brand can be used to justify a pricing strategy, increase your brand/product loyalty, and build stronger advocacy and referral because your target audience is able to articulate the value of your brand easily to others that is a huge benefit.

Here are some more reasons this should be your first marketing task.

Brand Positioning creates market differentiation

Let’s face it: the world doesn’t need another widget. However, if your company, products, or services provide a unique proposition, resolve an unmet need, or deliver a desired experience, then Brand Positioning will help you stand out from the crowd by articulating how you are different.

Brand Positioning breaks through the clutter of noise

A clear Brand Position enables you to efficiently and effectively communicate and reach your target audience. Every day, we’re bombarded with marketing and sales messages at every corner. Everyone is vying for your time and attention. In the midst of all this noise, your Brand Positioning breaks through the clutter by speaking directly to the people you intend to attract. Rather than shouting to a crowd who doesn’t care about you, your brand is seen and heard clearly (and not in the style of Charlie Brown’s teacher). 

Brand Positioning makes it easier for people to buy from you

Your targeted audience wants easy decisions. They don’t want to screen 30 alternatives in order to find the right one for them. They want to know easily and quickly who to trust and what to buy. Consciously and subconsciously, Brand Positioning triggers an emotional response from your target audiences. If the right levers are pulled in the shortest amount of time, you increase the likelihood for people to decide “yes.”
Brand Positioning enables you to compete on value (not price).

Brand Positioning gives you clarity on your specific value. Your value is what you offer customers, how it satisfies their needs best, and how the alternatives offered by competitors are insufficient. Without Brand Positioning, you have nothing to offer but ambiguity. No one values (or buys) ambiguity.

Brand Positioning justifies pricing strategies

Sometimes, even when your value is known, your brand still needs price justification. Brand Positioning is where you’ve identified and compared your brand to the competition and their specific offering, which informs whether your price point is strategic and justified. Are you higher? Lower? Is it clear why? Will consumers respond favourably?

Brand Positioning amplifies your storytelling, copy, and messaging

Without knowing your Brand Positioning, how can you execute creative and copy? How can you write about yourself, if you don’t know where your brand sits on the spectrum? It’s impossible to communicate to an audience when you don’t accurately understand your brand’s uniqueness or its competition.

Brand Positioning makes your design more creative

Visual design must build off a clear story, which requires an understanding of positioning. Brand Positioning is the singular most important part of building a brand by enabling you to identify where you fit in the sea of competition and create a strong foundation from which to launch your marketing effort.

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